body { background:#EDFFE6; color:black }\n.passage, #floater { background:white; color:#000000; -moz-border-radius: 8px; border-radius: 8px; padding:6px; border:1px solid #FF8096}\nh1, h2, h3 {color:black;line-height:25%}\n.passage {max-width:800px;margin:auto}\n.passage .toolbar { display:none }\n.passage .body .internalLink, #floater a:link, #floater a:visited {color:black}
<<set $n = $n - 6>><<display "main">>
<<set $n = $n + 17>><<display "main">>
<<set $n = $n + 15>><<display "main">>
<<set $n = $n + 10>><<display "main">>
History.prototype.originalDisplay = History.prototype.display;\nHistory.prototype.display = function (title, link, render)\n{\nif ((render != 'quietly') && (render != 'offscreen'))\nremoveChildren($('passages'));\nthis.originalDisplay.apply(this, arguments);\n};
Start at 63 and get to 0 by adding or subtracting in increments of 6, 10, 15 or 17, without using any of the <html><font color="red">red numbers</font></html>.\n\n<<display "numberlist">>\n\n[[Begin|63]]
<<silently>><<set $n = 63>><<endsilently>><<display "main">>
<<set $n = $n - 15>><<display "main">>
<<set $n = $n + 6>><<display "main">>
<<set $n = $n - 17>><<display "main">>
Mike Meyer
<<set $n = $n - 10>><<display "main">>
<<if \n($n eq 4) or \n($n eq 6) or \n($n eq 8) or \n($n eq 15) or \n($n eq 16) or \n($n eq 17) or \n($n eq 19) or \n($n eq 20) or \n($n eq 27) or \n($n eq 28) or\n($n eq 35) or\n($n eq 37) or\n($n eq 42) or\n($n eq 44) or\n($n eq 46) >>\nSorry! <<print $n>> is not allowed!\n\n<<display "numberlist">>\n\n[[Start Over|63]]\n<<else>><<if $n eq 0>>\n<html><h1>You did it!</h1></html>\n\nThe End.\n<<else>>\nCurrently at: <<print $n>>\n\n<<display "numberlist">>\n\n<<if $n gte 17>>[[-17]]<<endif>>\n<<if $n gte 15>>[[-15]]<<endif>>\n<<if $n gte 10>>[[-10]]<<endif>>\n<<if $n gte 6>>[[-6]]<<endif>>\n<<if $n lte 57>>[[+6]]<<endif>>\n<<if $n lte 53>>[[+10]]<<endif>>\n<<if $n lte 48>>[[+15]]<<endif>>\n<<if $n lte 46>>[[+17]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<html>0 1 2 3 <font color="red">4</font> 5 <font color="red">6</font> 7 <font color="red">8</font> 9 10 11 12 13 14 <font color="red">15 16 17</font> 18 <font color="red">19 20</font> 21 22 23 24 25 26 <font color="red">27</font> <font color="red">28</font> 29 30 31 32 33 34 <font color="red">35</font> 36 <font color="red">37</font> 38 39 40 41 <font color="red">42</font> 43 <font color="red">44</font> 45 <font color="red">46</font> 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63</html>